《海边天使》 导演:庄晞晴
《初恋》 导演:李一杰
Bacamera是Back-camera的简写,由Backstage(幕后)改写词缀而来。意指电影制作的实质——摄影机背后的工作。Bacamera Filmmaker Club是第一个从理论课程、电影分析到片场实践无所不包的电影制作社团。
Bacamera Filmmaker Club is an ECA providing classes and experiences of filmmaking. We will cover topics all the ways through those theorical such as film history and script writing to those practical such as cinematography and editing. We will use the knowledges we learnt to do film analysis and photography exercise, and, eventually, to make our own films.
[ Nova工作室 ]
The significance of media as a way of storytelling to make a social impact of our own. Photography and cinematography are powerful media channels through which Nova Studio aims to provide an opportunity for members to tell their stories. We divide our ECA value into two separate categories: technical support and aesthetic creation.
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