P.S. 这篇文章和彩虹社以后的推送都会以双语的方式呈现,因为我们考虑到国交可能有母语非中文的学生和老师的LGBTQ+群体也希望参加社团,因此我们的推送也会加上英文。社团语言的使用也将会以社员的需求灵活调整。
P.S. This passage and all the subsequent passages from the Rainbow Club will be in both Chinese and English, considering that there may be students or staffs of the LGBTQ+ communities that use English as their mother tone. The language used in the club activities will also be adjusted flexibly based on members’ demands.
你可能听说过...You may know...
石墙事件 Stonewall riot
Yeh Yung-chih Incident
Laurel Hubbard,
a transgender woman in
Olympics weightlifting
Unnamed Official Account
我们是谁?Who are we?
Rainbow RnE focuses on the researches and endorsement (RnE) of the LGBTQ+ communities. More broadly speaking, we are a group of students ardent for gender-related topics, and genuinely be respectful of each others’ gender identity and gender expression.
我们会干什么?What will we do?
The club activities will compose of 3 parts:
正式社活 Formal activity
- 时间为周四下午4:30-5:30。
- 每次社活= 30分钟的introductory lecture + 30分钟的时事讨论。
- 在introductory lecture中,我们希望简单介绍LGBTQ+相关的文化和理论,并且通过不同的主题介绍和理论脉络梳理,让大家了解LGBTQ+的历史与理论发展。
- 在时事讨论中,我们将会选取一个和lecture有点关系的社会时事话题进行讨论。
- 语言将为中文(暂定),但是在介绍理论的过程中会加入专有名词的英文翻译。如有需要,语言会按需变换。
观影会 Film Session
- 时间:周一中午12:10-13:30
- 我们将会观看一些LGBTQ+相关的电影/短片/纪录片等,并且在看完之后展开电影相关的讨论
- 具体观看的影片会由大家投票选出,想来的同学们可以加入社团之后找社长报名
- 大家可以把外卖拿到session来,边吃边看哦!It’s a session just for Relax and Random Discussions :)))
- Time: Monday lunchtime 12:10pm-13:30pm
- We will watch some LGBTQ+ related films/short movies/documentaries and discuss them after watching
- The film we watch will be selected by the members through voting. Students who want to find the club leader (Winnie and Thatcher) and sign up for the session
- 以下为一些我们可以选择的电影或纪录片
- The followings are some films or documentaries we can choose from
- 电影Movies
4)Call me by your name
- 纪录片Documentaries
For other documentaries/films, look at this website:
- 我们也会尝试邀请独立纪录片的导演开展线上沙龙,讨论电影与当今的LGBTQ+的处境,大家敬请期待~
- We will also try to invite directors of independent documentaries and launch online salons to discuss the film and the status quo of the LGBTQ+
校外活动 External activities
- 团建!Ice-breaking!
我们将会在社团开始前的周末组织社员去玩儿,让大家互相认识!We will organize activities before the start of the club to introduce everyone to each other!
- SCIE Pride Day!
计划会在下半学期举行,以提高国交同学对LGBTQ+群体的认同程度,我们会一起想&组织好玩儿的活动!This will be in the second term to increase the extent and recognition of LGBTQ+ in SCIE. We will think about interesting activities together!
- 和性别相关NGO组织的校外沙龙!
我们会联系类似于北同/莓辣/同城等等的NGO进行经历分享与话题讨论!Salons with gender/LGBTQ+-related NGOs!
- Sexual Education志愿者招募Volunteer recruitment!
我们也会尝试与不同的小学中学联系,开展性教育,社员可以报名参加,一起在中国传播性教育哦!这大概会在十月之后进行。We will try to cooperate with different primary and secondary schools to have sexual education! This may take place around October.
彩虹社是什么体验?Comments & Wishes
Rainbow RnE aims to create a friendly and tolerant atmosphere. Hence, either you are part of the lgbtq+, or you want a place in which friends are discussing issues with full respects for each other, Rainbow RnE is always a place for you! We hope that expect for learning about pure theories and historical facts, you can also find a safe space and feel a sense of belonging ~
Reiteration: you don't have to be a member of LGBTQ+ to join our club. We welcome everyone who has the fundamental respect for others. No worries about the fear to speak up -- we have plans for this!
彩虹社一直是我的safe space。这里的所有人都有友善的灵魂和炽热的心,用包容开放的眼光看世界,化希望为动力,一起向更光明的未来努力。彩虹社的氛围也非常轻松自由,从严肃的学术内容到轻松的玩梗吃瓜我们都可以搞定!能在国交遇到这样一个有趣又有意义的交流平台我觉得很幸运,如果你有兴趣有想法就快来加入我们吧!
Rainbow RnE has always been my safe space. Everyone here is friendly and enthusiastic. We view the world with an open-minded lens, turn hope into our passion, and fight for a brighter future together. The atmosphere here is always free and relaxed -- from serious academic argumentation to funny gossip, anything can be a topic for discussion! As a member of Rainbow RnE, I feel really lucky that I've found this meaningful platform in SCIE. If this is your passion, please come and join us!
如何加入我们?How to join us?
扫描下方二维码入群,或者(如果二维码过期/为了防小广告商开启了invitation approval)添加微信winniezyt,并且备注“彩虹社+年级+姓名”。
Scan the following QR code, or add the WeChat winniezyt
本篇文章来源于微信公众号: Rainbow RnE 彩虹社
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