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23226 人参与  2019年07月02日 11:36  分类 : 新生必看  评论
  • 新生住宿安排及宿舍配置

  • 1、住宿安排原则










    换洗的床上用品需自行准备。床单的尺寸为:2*1.25米,被罩的尺寸为:2* 1.5米。









    除了学校管理层的监管外,生活处的工作更直接接受学生及家长的监督。生活处建议及投诉邮箱 sarah.cai@scie.com.cn






  • Policy of School-arranged dormitory for new students

  • 1. Rules of Accommodation Arrangement

    There are four types of boarding students: non-local boarding students, non-Shenzhen home address students, local boarding students, and Shenzhen home address students.

    If a student like to live on-campus, s/he should submit the Application for Accommodation form after s/he paid the full tuition, regardless of s/he is a local or non-local students. Please wait for the dormitory assignment from the school on-campus housing department. Due to the limited beds in the school dorms, we will process the students who have applied the dorms based on the following roles:

     •  We would temperately not assign beds to the students who have not submitted the Application for Accommodation by the deadline. If a student submitted the application later, then s/he would be put in the last of the waitlist for the accommodation.

     •  We will based on the distance between the students’ home address and the school to assign from the farthest one.

     •  If any student who gives up the assigned bed or changed the home address, s/he will be put in the last one on the next applying group list for rearrangement.

     •  In order to insure the beds for the incoming students, the accommodation waitlist for every academic year would be arranged until the April 6th of the coming year. The rest of the students lists would be put together with the incoming students based on their home address distance.

    Students should live in their assigned dorms, and should not change or occupy other beds by themselves without having written agreement from their dorm teacher. Students should follow the Regulations of Dormitory Safety Management for Holidays during school breaks. Non-local boarding students should not stay overnight at off-campus place and local boarding students should not stay overnight at school dorms. If there has any special conditions, please follow the application procedure and the safety management rules. (Notes: non-local boarding students who normally not going back home on weekends should send a leave application by Thursday if they plan to go home one time. Local boarding students should be off campus during weekends and breaks. If they like to temporarily live at the dorms, they have to have the permission from their parents plus to pay 50RMB /day ).

    2. Bedding Preparation

    School will provide each new student a set of bedding (only for new enrolled students who check-in during the orientation of the academic year) including: a mattress pad, a cooler quilt, a pillow and a pillowcase, a quilt cover, and a bed sheet.

    Students may prepare their own bedding for laundry. The size of the bed sheet is 2m *1.25m, and the size of the cover is 2m*1.5m.

    (Reminder: there would be a month that Shenzhen tends to be relatively cold, and we recommend students to prepare for a woolen blanket and may put the mattress pad underneath. )

    3. Laundry

    Usually students who lives in the same dorm would buy a washing machine together (many dorms have the one from the graduated students). The school can insure the water and electricity supplements.

    4. Dorm setting

    Every dorm has its own bathroom, an air conditioner, a water heater, and a wardrobe (locker may purchase by oneself).

    5. Management Procedure for on-campus housing.

    The management procedure is humanized and systematized. We respect students’ personality while also maintain the rules for dormitory living, and to improve their well-rounded development. Each living teacher would responsible for a floor, and we also having teachers for weekend shifts. We provide each living teacher’s cellphone number as well as office number for the students. Parents may keep the contact information of their floor teachers, as they would be the first responders for any living issues.

    Living teachers would also live at the dorms with students, and they are have different off work hours from the school teachers and staff: 14:00-16:20. Staff from dorm can be off campus during the evening study time (19:00-21:00). Living teachers’ office phone and cellphone is available during this time.

    Apart from the supervision from the school management team, the on-campus housing department is welcome students and parents to have any suggestions and advises. If you have any concerns or suggestions, please send emails to: sarah.cai@scie.com.cn

    6. Management for Boarding Students

    All the boarding students should follow the Regulations of Dormitory Safety Management, and please see more details from the written brochure that given to students and parents at the beginning of the semester. A quite living environment is benefit to a better academic performance; a good hygiene habit is helpful for personal health; and a warm dynamic for dorms is the foundation of the happy mood every day. If a student break the regulations in terms of not to follow the time schedules, interrupt others’ rest, untidy the dorms, destroy the normal dorm dynamics, or conduct any other violations, school may have warning and education to s/he , suspend his or her dorm living for one week, or withdraw his or her living permission.

    Shenzhen College of International Education

    On-campus Housing department.



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