招生年级 | 招生对象 | 名额 |
IGCSE 国际高中一年级 (G1) | 2023年7月读完初三及优秀的初二学生 | 370 |
A Level 一年级 (A1) | 2023年7月读完高二及优秀的高一学生 | 120 |
笔试日期 | 笔试科目及时间 | 面试时间 |
3月19日 5月28日 | 英语 08:00-10:15 数学 10:45-11:55 | 笔试后的下一个周六 |
25.8万元( 含体检费、校园保险费、拓展活动费, 但不含国际考试、外出考察实习、夏令营等代收代缴费用)
1.68万元 (不含周末), 1.98万元(含周末)
欢迎考生及家长前来深国交参观咨询,点击“深国交”公众号主页下方菜单栏“报名考试” ➜ “预约访校”,即可选择时间预约来访。
Grade Group | Grade Equivalent | Quota |
IGCSE Year 1 (G1) | Students who have completed Junior 3 or Junior 2 in July 2023 | 370 |
AS Level (A1) | Students who have completed Senior 2 or Senior 1 in July 2023 | 120 |
Exam Dates | Exam Subjects | Interview |
March 19th May 28th | English: 08:00-10:15 Mathematics: 10:45-11:55 | The following Saturday of the written test |
There will be 2 rounds of Entrance Examinations in 2023. Candidates can choose any of the test dates above to sit the exam. If you failed in the 1st round of Entrance Exam, you could re-apply and sit the 2nd round of Entrance Exam.
Exam Format: Offline written examination. If the online tests are required due to the epidemic situation, SCIE admissions office will inform the candidates at least 10 days before the test and issue relevant test arrangements.
Registration starts from January 4th, 2023, and ends until full.
¥258,000 for the school year 2023-2024 (Includes physical examination fee, campus insurance fee, extracurricular activity fees; not includes international examination fees, trips or internships off campus, or summer camps/programs.)
Room and Board:
¥16,800 (excluding weekends) or ¥19,800 (including weekends) for the school year 2023-2024.
*Tuitions for Arts Academy Students. Please refer to the Admission to SCIE Arts Academy 2023-2024.
Welcome to visit SCIE, Admissions Office's open hours for student and parent except for holidays:
For more information, please visit the SCIE website at www.scie.com.cn or call +86 755- 83982003
or email admissions@scie.com.cn
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