English Version
Dear Candidates,
The first round of 2024 SCIE entrance examination has been completed. The admission results have now been released on candidates' personal homepages, which can be viewed by candidates and parents on the registration platform of WeChat Official Account or the SCIE's official website.
WeChat Official Account: SCIE-2003
Official website: www.alevel.com.cn
Candidates who have been admitted must read the "Notice of New Student Enrollment", " Conditions of Admission", "Description of Deposit and Tuition Transferring", and "Application Form for Accommodation and Notice of Management of Check-out Management" on the personal homepage, and complete the reservation of the place within the stipulated period of time.
The offer letter will be posted to the home address you have previously filled in. If you need to change your postal address, please send an email to zhaosheng@scie.com.cn before 9:00am on 2 April (please include the candidate's name, telephone number, candidate number and updated postal address in the email).
The "Resit" function on the personal homepage is now open. Candidates who have not been admitted or are on the waiting list can log in and click "Resit" to register for the second round of entrance examination on May 5 (i.e. the last entrance examination of SCIE this year).
Thank you for your interest in SCIE!
Shenzhen College of International Education
Admissions Office
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